Wednesday, May 7, 2008

When You Want To Diflect Make Sure To Distract From The Real Issue

That same day that I sent her the standard protocal information from the Web and explained that my Vet, a licensed medical professional, observed Leo and prescibed this medication, I received this somewhat odd response back from Siobhan:

I’m waiting for the vet to call me back. So you want the Comipramine and Fluoxetine. I’m not sure why he needs Phenobarbital. He’s not having convulsions or seizures so I’ll talk my vet about that as well.

And here is where I started to catch on to her game and realize that she wasn't really going to help me out, since clearly she wasn't paying attention to all the literature nor the diagnosis of a licensed Vet who actually saw Leo in his office. For if she did even just read the literature, she would have seen that it is believed that many of these cats may actually be suffering from lots of seizures which cause the bouts of aggresive behavior and odd reactions to touch.

I explained to her many times on our phone calls that I was starting to see good results and that Leo seemed much happier already. Obviously he wasn't completely better and according to all the literature it will take about 3-4 weeks to see a 50% reduction in incidents. But if you go back to an earlier post you will see her own words to me stating if the medications work she will make sure that her organization pays for them for his entire life.

About an hour after I received the above email I then get this one:
I'm sorry maybe I'm a dunce. But exactly what you have now you want to switch to prozac right? Plus keep him on pheno?

And the next day I got this:
Hi I'm glad you are going to give this a try. One thing is I talkedto my vet Dr. Lauridia. He says he sees no reason to have a cat on bothpheno and prozac. He's seen one or the other and he knows leo pretty well.He says we should try Prozac by itself to see if it works on it's own. Thelittlest amount of meds he's on the better for him. So here is mysuggestion. Let the Elavil run out and replace with Prozac. Then after aweek of Prozac eliminate the Pheno to see if he does well on just theprozac. Dr. Dan thinks that is the best step to see if we can use justone drug. I don't see a problem with providing the meds for you. I willjust confirm with my Boss so there are no suprises but I don't see herhaving an issue with it. I know this is totally not the situation yousigned up for and I understand your frustration. But I thank you for mysake and for Leo's for wanting to try and make it work with him. He's abeautfiul cat who deserves whatever it is we can give him. So do you thinkwe can follow Dr. Lauridias suggestion on getting down to just prozac tosee if that works. It will also do less damage on his liver if we are downto just one med.Siobhan

Silly me, I thought I had an offer to help if the meds were working. I believe I had been begged via email and verbally on the phone to please keep this cat even though within less than a week of adopting him he became aggresive, biting my comforter, furniture and me. Silly me, I thought that my licensed Ivy League educated Vet who actually examined Leo and witnessed his erratic behavior prescibed a standard protocal...and silly me I thought in this email I was being asked if it was up to me and my Vet whether or not to keep him on both medications.

But even more than those issues please note the sentence in purple where suddendly Siobhan must ask her boss if the medications will be covered.

Now it's time to wake up and read between the lines: I and my medical staff are being second guessed and suddenly her Vet (whose Vet? Animal Alliance?) who did not examine Leo under these conditions as she previously states in email, she nor any of her Vets ever witnessed this behavior, are now going to decide what medications are appropriate. WHY???

Because she hasn't gotten any approval from her boss to pay for the meds. THAT'S WHY? And she is panicking and looking for ways to avoid this situation.

The next day, I took call after call where I was accused of horrible things. I was then told that there was nothing wrong with Leo and that his behavior was because he didn't like living with me. Because, "I never saw this behavior ever, and you just want to medicate a cat to get the cat you want."

When I showed the video of Sarah being bit, Siobhan called me on my cell phone and stated that Leo's reaction was completely normal and that Sarah was at fault for being bit.

So I sent the following video

width="425" height="355">

Again, silly me, I am still trying to deal with irrational people, rationally, defending myself and trying to prove my point. Not realizing this yet, I sent the video. The response was horrendous.

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